понедельник, 2 мая 2011 г.
четверг, 21 апреля 2011 г.
Entry 4: How Well Do I Use Word and Excel
Oh, this century of new computer technoligies. Nowadays, we can't imagine our life without P.C. M.B. and the net. And the really needed thing that is playing main role is the computer. From the kindergarten to the White house, from the child till use P.C. all over the world in variety
четверг, 7 апреля 2011 г.
Entry 3: My wiki project experience This link is one of the most popular web sites and I surely know that each of you have heard about it at least once. When our teacher told us that we had to open a page in this site as a task I was a little bit frightened. Because by handout that we learned it seemed that it would be hard to do all that requirements. As a topic I was given to collect name/surname/e-mail address information of all first year IELTE students. I began my work from surveying each student about his/her information. I had to explain almost to every student why I did need it. Some of them wrote me immediatly, some of them said they will send me them later by a massage. Mostly their informations were not fully and correctly. Inspite of all problems that I had I could make a table of all students except 4 guys. Than I entered to the Internet, linked site and signed in. Somehow I could upload everything into the page. You can't imagine how happy was I that time. I had great pleasure that I became member of the Wikispaces.
вторник, 29 марта 2011 г.
Entry 2: My Test Taking Experience
E As a person who spends big part of her life for studying I often take tests on variety subjects and topics. I had tests in different languages such as russian, arabic and english that were in different levels. The most important tests in my life were university entering tests. However that exams were really serious ones I wasn't so afraid of taking them because I have my own tactics that always help me always and I would like to share them with you. First of all, to be confidence in test process you should be confident on your skills. It's really important to preview everything through the topics that are covered in the classes. That will really help to remember even the hardest points. Our mind has ability of recalling severally repeated things and this will help you in the most unexpected time. Secondly in the way to success on test taking your body and your mind should be fresh. So it's better to stop studying at least a day before from testing and relax. I always have a deep sleep before serious exams. Thirdly if your brain stops working during the testing don't try to make it work just have a rest for 3-5 minutes: eat some chocolate, draw or play with your pen than return to your work. But don't forget about time management and try to finish your work 10 minutes earlier to look through the paper and check. And the main thing don't hurry. You can easily miss or exchange the answers. So, do first easy questions than move to harder ones. Left the hardest ones for solving later. In conclusion I would say that I do believe that these little rules will help you in the future)))
воскресенье, 13 марта 2011 г.
Entry 1: The Way I Used to Present in Past and Techniques I Want to Try in Future

понедельник, 14 февраля 2011 г.
Entry 12: Summary of the class about Oral Report
Today we had on the Study Skills class we had topic called Oral Report. It was really interesting lesson because we had discussion between 2 groups. During the class each student said his/her problems on making presentations and speaking among audience at all and we tried to solve them. A big amount of the students said that they have difficulties with self confidence, concentration, memory and speech at all. Then each student said which method of the resolution of these problems he knows and tried to use. For instance, it was said that in the way to be more confident it's very useful to speak texts among the mirror, to represent speech to friends and listen to their comments and critics. If person has problems with memory this person should use methods such as "Loci method" that rise memorization and help to remember more information. Even one girl said that she repeats her words while cooking and remembers her text by connotation words with the steps of cooking process and advised us to try this. Also these are helpful on developing concentration and clear speech. At the end of the class we played the game in which students demonstrated actions that are not appropriate to do during the representing of presentation. Personally I learned many interesting details of presentation making and surely will use them in the future additional tasks. What about you? Do you feel confidence in your speech? What problems do you have and how do you try to solve them? What you would advise in the way to be successful speaker?
воскресенье, 13 февраля 2011 г.
In the university there are many presentations that are given us as the additional task from all subjects. It's interesting to work on them but it would be better if we be able to choose topics by ourselves. Personally, I prefer topics that can make audience to think about aspects of life such as health, economical, cultural, spiritual levels of human being. Here some topics that I would like to work on: "Illnesses of children that bring death", " Africa- the Hell on the earth, or could live without daily comforts?", "Human sensitivity: which feelings do we have?" "Reasons of teenage suicide"
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